Oracle HRSSA Workflow – “Notify HR About Commit System Error” Function Error – no data found
I encountered the “no data found” error in the “Notify HR About Commit System Error” function, in the seeded HR workflow (“HRSSA”). After much googling and metalinking, I discovered the solution below.
The core cause of this issue is the value stored in the attribute “HR Department E-mail ID” (“HR_DEPT_EMAIL”).
To overcome this error for the current instance of the workflow and allowing the workflow to continue processing, in the “Status Monitor” function of the “Workflow Administrator” responsibility, we need to select the workflow that has the error. Click the “Activity History” button. In the resulting screen we need to now select the “Update Attributes” button. This will navigate us to the screen where the current values of the workflow instance are stored.
Here we need to change the value of the “HR Department E-mail ID” attribute from ““, to an existing role in the wf_roles table. In the example above I have changed it to the SYSADMIN role; however you may create your own role that will distribute the error to the necessary HR or system administration personnel of your organization.
After the change, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the “Apply” button.
Now that we have corrected our attribute, we need to “Retry” the function in error, so that the workflow may continue processing.
In the “Activity History” screen, select the function that has errors and click the “Retry” button. The resulting screen should look like above; select the “Submit” button. If the function was successfully retried the workflow error should be removed and the workflow should continue processing.
Unfortunately this will have to be done for all of the HR workflows that stopped with this error.
To stop the this error from persisting, you will need to open the “HR” workflow in Oracle Workflow Builder, find the attribute HR Department E-mail ID (HR_DEPT_EMAIL) under the “HR” item type and update the default value to the role you require it to be and thereafter save the workflow back to your database.