Monday, 22 April 2013

Sample example for DataLoad - Part 1&2&3

Sample example for DataLoad - Part 1

Before, I provide sample example for DataLoad, would like to provide some background information on this Tool.


This is one of the very useful tool for end users/technical developers used across Oracle Ebusiness Suite for entering large number of records.Say for example, If you want to enter 1000's of records into Sales Order screen, then using the DataLoad tool will be much faster and quicker. The tool provides other functionality too. Please refer the DataLoad which provides more information. Free version of the tool is available at the site.

Here is a sample example/script with the minimum functionality for DataLoad to load data into Sales Order Screen in Oracle EBS application.

                     Source: Order Items Data in Excel Sheet

                     Destination: Oracle EBS application

Steps to prepare the DataLoader file : Order_Lines_Load.dld 

1. Launch the DataLoad Tool.

2. Enter the Following :
      a) Window : Oracle Applications
      b) Command Group : EBS - R12
      c)  Notes : Load Order Line Information into Sales Order Form in Oracle EBIS

 3. Click the Data Tab, select the first column in the tab and double click.

4. In the Column Titles -> Main Load section, enter the desired column titles.

5. Click on Save & Close button.

6. Enter the Sample Data in the file.

 Note  :
        TAB indicates after entering the item number, simulate the Tab out functionlity
        *DN indicates Down arrow and simulating the script to move to the next record
        *SL(1) indicates wait for 1 second

7. Save the file with the extension : Order_Lines_Load.dld.

Thats it, your sample script is ready.
My next post on the same, will show you how to load the entire data from the Excel spreadsheet into Order_Lines_Load.dld file and Load the data into Oracle EBS application.

Sample example for DataLoad - Part 2

In my last previous post, we have successfully created a DataLoader script file. This post will resume loading data from that script to the actual destination ie. Oracle Applications.

Here are the steps :

1. Open the Excel Spreadsheet that contains full list of Item Numbers

2. Open the DataLoad (Classic) tool
    Open the file Order_Lines_Load.dld  in DataLoad (Classic) tool
    Navigation:  File -> Open -> Select the Order_Lines_Load.dld file and Click Open button


3.Place the Cursor in Item Number column in Data Load Tool.
   Select Tools -> Excel Import
4. You can see, that All the Item Number records from Excel Spreadsheet are copied into the Data Loader File.
5. Select second column : TAB

Use Keys CTRL + D, to fill down command to copy the topmost cell into the cells below.
Select second column: TAB and navigate to Edit -> Fill -> Down Ctrl + D

6. You can see that the spreadsheet for the column TAB is filled with values

7. Select third column : *DN in Data Loader

Use Keys CTRL + D, to fill down command to copy the topmost cell into the cells below.
Select second column: TAB and navigate to Edit -> Fill -> Down Ctrl + D

8. You can see that the third column *DN is filled for all the records

9. The same step(no 7) will be repeated for the fourth column - *SL(1)

10. Save the file.

11.Go to the Last record in the file and replace the value in third column *DN to *LR to signify that this is the last record in the file.
12. Save the record.

13. Data Loader script is ready with the full data which needs to be loaded into the Oracle Applications.

Sample example for DataLoad - Part 3

This is last part of the DataLoad example.

Here are the final steps for loading the data from the Dataloader file(Order_Lines_Load.dld) into the Oracle EBS application.

1. Before running the Dataloader file ensure the following present in the file  :Order_Lines_Load.dld

  • Ensure *LR is present for the last record in the data load file.
  • Ensure that there are no additional records like NULL in Item Number column and data being present in other columns like TAB, *DN and *SL(1)  
 2. Open Oracle Applications and Navigate to Quick Sales Order Screen and place the cursor in Ordered  Item column
3. Go to Data Load Tool. Click on Tools ->  Start Load
4. Select the Command Group : EBS - 12 and select the appropriate Oracle Applications Front end in the Window name

5. Click on ‘OK’ Button

6. Data Loading process starts and the records will start loading.

7. Wait till the confirmation of successful loading.

8. Save the window, if everything is loaded.

That's It.... 

With help of DataLoad tool, we are now able to enter hundred's of records into the Oracle applications.

Hope this was useful. Please feel free to comment.

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