Wednesday, 31 July 2013

FAQ in Oracle Forms

FAQ in Oracle Forms

FAQs in Oracle Forms – Part:3

1)What is the difference between Pre-Form and When-New-Form-Instance trigger?

Pre-Form trigger will be fired before entering into the form. It is the first trigger that fires when a form is run; fires before the form is visible. It is useful for setting access to form items, initializing global variables, and assigning unique primary key from an Oracle sequence.
When-New-Form-Instance trigger will be fired whenever form is ready to accept the data from the user.
Another main difference between the two is that you cannot navigate in a pre-from trigger (restricted) whereas you can navigate in a when-new-form-instance trigger. For example : go_block and execute-query will only work in when-new-form-instance trigger not in pre-from trigger.

2)What are the triggers fired while creating Master Detail form?

On-Clear Details (Form Level)
On-Populate-Details (Block Level)
On-Check-delete-Master (Block Level)
How will you get the block Name in a form?

3)What is the difference between Pre-insert and On-insert trigger?

Pre-insert trigger fires during the Post and Commit Transactions process, before a row is inserted. It fires once for each record that is marked for insert. On-insert trigger fires during the Post and Commit Transactions process when a record is inserted. Specifically, it fires after the Pre-Insert trigger fires and before the Post-Insert trigger fires, when Form Builder would normally insert a record in the database. It fires once for each row that is marked for insertion into the database.

4)What is the difference between Pre-Query and Post-Query trigger?

Pre-Query trigger validates the current query criteria or provide additional query criteria programmatically, just before sending the SELECT statement to the database. Post-Query trigger perform an action after fetching a record, such as looking up values in other tables based on a value in the current record. It fires once for each record fetched into the block.

5)What is the trigger sequence while opening a form?

6)What is the difference between new form, open form & call form?

New_form:-Once we move into the destination automatically source will be closed.
Open_form:- It is a two way connection between source and destination. Opens the indicated form. Use OPEN_FORM to create multiple-form applications, that is, applications that open more than one form at the same time.
Call_form:- Call_form() runs an indicated form while keeping the parent form active. Without closing the destination one cannot come back to the source.

7)How to call a Report from a form?

By using RUN_PRODUCT Built-in.

9)Can we write Commit statement in forms triggers?

10)What is the usage of an ON-INSERT,ON-DELETE and ON-UPDATE TRIGGERS ?

These triggers are executes when inserting, deleting and updating operations are performed and can be used to change the default function of insert, delete or update respectively.

11)A query fetched 10 records. How many times does a PRE-QUERY Trigger and POST-QUERY Trigger will get executed ?

PRE-QUERY fires once. POST-QUERY fires 10 times.
How can you execute the user defined triggers in forms?
To execute a user-named trigger, you must call the EXECUTE_TRIGGER built-in procedure, as shown here: Execute_Trigger(‘my_user_named_trigger’);

12)What are Restricted Built-in Subprograms in forms?

Any built-in subprogram that initiates navigation is restricted. This includes subprograms that move the input focus from one item to another, and those that involve database transactions. Restricted built-ins are not allowed in triggers that fire in response to navigation.
For example, the GO_ITEM and NEXT_SET built-ins are both restricted procedures. GO_ITEM moves the input focus from a source item to a target item, which requires navigation. Similarly, the NEXT_SET procedure causes Oracle Forms to navigate internally to the block level, fetch a set of records, and then navigate to the first item in the first record. (Note that this navigation happens internally as a result of default processing, and may not be apparent to the form operator.) Because GO_ITEM and NEXT_SET both initiate navigation, they cannot be called from triggers that fire in response to internal navigational events; that is, triggers that fire while navigation is already occurring. Thus, a restricted procedure cannot be called from a Pre-Block trigger, because the Pre-Block trigger fires during internal navigation. In fact, restricted subprograms are not allowed from any PRE- or POST- navigational triggers. You can, however, call a restricted built-in subprogram from a When-New-Instance trigger. For example, the When-New-Item-Instance trigger fires after navigation to an item has succeeded, when the form is waiting for input.

13)What are System Variables in forms?

A system variable is a Oracle Forms variable that keeps track of an internal Oracle Forms state. You can reference the value of a system variable to control the way an application behaves.

14)List system variables available in forms 10g?

15)What are the triggers associated with the image item?

When-Image-activated(fires when the operator double clicks on an image Items)
When-image-pressed(fires when the operator selects or deselects the image item)

16)What are the built-in routines available in forms to create and manipulate a parameter list?

17)What are the built-ins used to trapping errors in forms?
Error_type : Returns the error message type(character)
Error_code : Returns the error number
Error_text  : Returns the message text of the Oracle Forms error
Dbms_error_code : Returns the error number of the last database error that was detected.
Dbms_error_text : Returns the message number (such as ORA-01438) and message text of the database error

18)What is the predefined exception available in forms ?

The FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE exception is a predefined PL/SQL exception available only in Oracle Forms.

19)What are the Built-ins used for sending Parameters to forms?

You can pass parameter values to a form when an application executes the call_form, New_form, Open_form or Run_product.

20)How do you reference a Parameter?
In pl/sql, You can reference and set the values of form parameters using bind variables syntax.

21)How do you reference a parameter indirectly?
To indirectly reference a parameter use the NAME_IN or COPY built-ins.

22)What is forms_DDL?
It issues dynamic sql statements at run time, including server side pl/sql and DDL

23)What is Text_io Package?
It allows you to read and write information to a file in the file system.

24)What is When-Database-Record trigger?
It fires when oracle forms first marks a record as an insert or an update. The trigger fires as soon as oracle forms determines through validation that the record should be processed by the next post or commit as an insert or update. It generally occurs only when the operator modifies the first item in the record, and after the operator attempts to navigate out of the item.

25)What is the difference between $$DATE$$ & $$DBDATE$$?
$$DBDATE$$ retrieves the current database date
$$DATE$$ retrieves the current operating system date.

26)What is a timer?
Timer is a “internal time clock” that you can programmatically create to perform an action each time the timer expires.

27)What are built-ins associated with timers?

29)What is the difference between post database commit and post-form commit?
Post-form commit fires once during the post and commit transactions process, after the database commit occurs. The post-form-commit trigger fires after inserts, updates and deletes have been posted to the database but before the transactions have been finalized in the issuing the command. The post-database-commit trigger fires after oracle forms issues the commit to finalized transactions.

30)What is the form development process?
a) open template form
b) Save as <your form>.fmb
c) Change the form module name as form name.
d) Delete the default blocks, window, and canvas
e) Create a window.
f) Assign the window property class to window
g) Create a canvas
h) Assign canvas property class to the canvas
i) Assign the window to the canvas and canvas to the window
j) Create a data block    
k) Modify the form level properties. (sub class item à Text item)
l)  Modify the app_cusom package. In the program unit.
m) Modify the pre-form trigger (form level)
n) Modify the module level properties
o) Save and compile the form.
p) Place the .fmx in the server directory.
q) Register in the AOL

31)What is template?
The TEMPLATE form is the required starting point for all development of new Forms. The TEMPLATE form includes platform–independent attachments of several Libraries.
APPSCORE :- It contains package and procedures that are required of all forms to support  the MENUS ,TOOLBARS.
APPSDAYPK :- It contains packages that control the oracle applications CALENDER FEATURES.
CUSTOM :- It allows extension of oracle applications forms with out modification of oracle application code, you can use the custom library for customization such as zoom    ( such as moving to another form and querying up specific records)

32)Where exactly you place your forms in APPS environment?

33)What are the Different PLL’s used in Forms?

34)What are the triggers that can be modified during Forms Customization?

35)What are the triggers that cannot be modified during Forms Customization?

FAQs in Oracle Forms – Part:2

36)What is a display item?
Display items are similar to text items but store only fetched or assigned values. Operators cannot navigate to a display item or edit the value it contains.

37)How many maximum number of radio buttons can you assign to a radio group?
Unlimited no of radio buttons can be assigned to a radio group.

38)Can you change the default value of the radio button group at run time?

39)What triggers are associated with the radio group?
Only when-radio-changed trigger associated with radio group.

40)What are the various states of a form?
CHANGED: Indicates that the form contains at least one block with a Changed record.
NEW: Indicates that the form contains only New records.
QUERY: Indicates that a query is open.

41)What are the different objects that you cannot copy or reference in object groups?
objects of different modules
another object groups
individual block dependent items
program units

42)What are the different modals of a window?
Modeless windows
Modal windows

43)What are Modeless windows?
More than one Modeless window can be displayed at the same time, and operators can navigate among them if your application allows them to do so . On most GUI platforms, Modeless windows can also be layered to appear either in front of or behind other windows.

44)What are modal windows?
Modal windows are usually used as dialogs, and have restricted functionality compared to modelless windows. On some platforms for example operators cannot resize, scroll or iconify a modal window.

45)How do you display console on a window ?
The console includes the status line and message line, and is displayed at the bottom of the window to which it is assigned. To specify that the console should be displayed, set the console window form property to the name of any window in the form. To include the console, set console window to Null.

46)Can you have more than one content canvas attached with a window?
Yes. Each window you create must have at least one content canvas assigned to it. You can also create a window that has manipulate content canvas. At run time only one of the content canvas assign to a window is displayed at a time.

47)How many windows in a form can have console?
Only one window in a form can display the console, and you cannot change the console assignment at runtime.

48)What are the different window events activated at runtimes?

49)When a form call a pl/sql routine if there is an error in the pl/sql routine how do you place custom message in the form?
FND_MESSAGE.SHOW displays an informational message in a forms modal window or in a concurrent program log file only.
fnd_message.set_string(‘Message Text’);;
FND_MESSAGE.HINT to display a message in the forms status line and FND_MESSAGE.ERASE to clear the forms status line. FND_MESSAGE.HINT takes its message from the stack, displays the message, and then clears that message from the message stack.

50)List the built-in routines for controlling a window during run-time?

51)What built-in is used for changing the properties of a window dynamically?

52)What built-in is used for showing an alert during run-time?

53)Can you change alert messages at run-time?
Yes. By Set_alert_property.

54)What is the built-in function used for finding the alert?

55)What built-in routines are used to display editor dynamically?
Edit_text item

56)What is the difference between COPY and NAME_IN ?
Copy is package procedure that writes values into a field. Name_in is a package function that returns the contents of the variable to which you apply.

57)Can you attach an lov to a field at run-time?
Yes. By Set_item_proprety

58)What is the built-in used to get and set lov properties during run-time?

59)Give built-in routines related to a record groups?
Create_group (Function)

60)What is the built-in routine used to count the no of rows in a group?

61)What are the built-ins that are used to attach an LOV programmatically to an item?

62)How many number of columns a record group can have?
A record group can have an unlimited number of columns of type CHAR, LONG, NUMBER, or DATE provided that the total number of column does not exceed 64K.

63)What is the Maximum allowed length of Record group Column?
Record group column names cannot exceed 30 characters.

64)What are the built-ins used for Creating and deleting groups?
CREATE-GROUP (function)

65)What are the difference between Lov & List Item?
Lov is a property where as list item is an item. A list item can have only one column while a lov can have one or more columns.

66)What are the different display styles of list items?
Pop List
Text List
Combo box
What is Pop List?
The pop list style list item appears initially as a single field (similar to a text item field). When the operator selects the list icon, a list of available choices appears.

67)What is a Text List?
The text list style list item appears as a rectangular box which displays the fixed number of values. When the text list contains values that can not be displayed, a vertical scroll bar appears, allowing the operator to view and select undisplayed values.

68)What is a Combo Box?
A combo box style list item combines the features found in list and text item. Unlike the pop list or the text list style list items, the combo box style list item will both display fixed values and accept one operator entered value.

FAQs in Oracle Forms – Part:1

69)What are different types of modules available in oracle form?
Form module – a collection of objects and code routines.
Menu module – a collection of menus and menu item commands that together make up an application menu.
Library module – a collection of user named procedures, functions and packages that can be called from other modules in the application.

70)What are the default extensions of the files created by forms modules?
.fmb – form module binary
.fmx – form module executable

71)What are the default extensions of the files created by menu module?
.mmb, .mmx

72)What is data block & control block?
Data Block:-It is a Logical Collection of Items.
Control Block:-It is a data block which is totally independent of Database Table or View.
Note: – A data block can have control block items but not vice versa.

73)What is property class & visual attributes?
Property Class:
A property class is a named object that contains a list of properties and their settings. Once you create a property class you can base other objects on it. An object based on a property class can inherit the setting of any property in the class that makes sense for that object. Property class inheritance is an instance of subclassing. Conceptually, you can consider a property class as a universal subclassing parent.
Visual Attributes:
Visual attributes are the font, color, and pattern properties that you set for form and menu objects that appear in your application’s interface. Visual attributes can include the following properties: Font properties: Font Name, Font Size, Font Style, Font Width, Font Weight Color and pattern properties: Foreground Color, Background Color, Fill Pattern. Every interface object has a Visual Attribute Group property that determines how the object’s individual visual attribute settings (Font Size, Foreground Color, etc.) are derived. The Visual Attribute Group property can be set to Default, NULL, or the name of a named visual attribute defined in the same module.

74)What is the difference between property class and visual attribute?
We can change Visual Attribute properties dynamically at runtime, but we cannot change Property class properties. When you inherit the both Visual Attribute properties and Property class properties to an item Visual Attribute properties overrides the Property class properties.

75)What is object group?
An object group is a container for a group of objects. You define an object group when you want to package related objects so you can copy or subclass them in another module. Object groups provide a way to bundle objects into higher-level building blocks that can be used in other parts of an application and in subsequent development projects.

76)What is Record Group?
It is an internal memory data structure and a separate object in the form module. It’s main usage is to provide data to the LOV and dynamically to the list item and to perform client level validations.

77)What are the types of Record-Groups?
Static Record Group:- A static record group is not associated with a query; instead, you define its structure and row values at design time, and they remain fixed at runtime. Static record groups can be created and modified only at design time.
Query Based Record Group: – A query record group is a record group that has an associated SELECT statement. The columns in a query record group derive their default names, data types, and lengths from the database columns referenced in the SELECT statement. The records in a query record group are the rows retrieved by the query associated with that record group.
Non Query Record Group:- A non-query record group is a group that does not have an associated query, but whose structure and values can be modified programmatically at runtime. Non-query record groups can be created and modified only at runtime.

78)How to change Record Group dynamically?
By Using Non-Query Record Group.

79)What is Library?
A library is a collection of subprograms, including user-named procedures, functions, and packages. We can attach a library to any other form, menu or library module. It provides an easy method of reusing objects and enforcing standards across the entire development organization.

80)What are the types of canvases available in forms & what is the default canvas?
Content:-it is the base view of window which occupies the entire surface of window. It can have any no of canvases but at a time only one is visible.

Stacked:-It is always displayed above the content canvas because the content Canvas is the base view. It can have any no of stacked canvases and more than one stacked canvas can be displayed at a time.

Tool bar:- A toolbar canvas often is used to create toolbars for individual windows. There are two types of tool bars Horizontal and Vertical Tool bar Canvas. Horizontal tool bar canvases are displayed at the top of window and only one horizontal tool bar can be attached to a form module. Vertical tool bar is used to display top to bottom on the left side of the window.

Tab:-It is a collection of one or more tab pages. It is mainly used to display a large amount of related information a single dynamic form builder canvas object.
Content Canvas is the default canvas.

81)What are Alerts?
An alert is a modal window that displays a message notifying the operator of some application condition. There are three styles of alerts: Stop, Caution, and Note.
To display an alert, your application must execute the SHOW_ALERT built-in subprogram from a trigger or user-named subprogram. SHOW_ALERT is a function that returns a numeric constant.
Show_Alert(alert_name) Return NUMBER;

82)What are LOVs?
An LOV is a scrollable popup window that provides the end user with either a single or multi-column selection list. LOV values are derived from record groups. The LOVs in the Form Builder interface have the same auto-reduction and searching functionality as the LOVs you create for your own applications.
There are two built-in subprograms that can be used to display an LOV:

83)List the system variables related in Block and Field?
1. System.block_status
2. System.current_block
3. System.current_field
4. System.current_value
5. System.cursor_block
6. System.cursor_field
7. System.field_status

84)What is a master detail relationship?
A master detail relationship is an association between two base table blocks- a master block and a detail block. The relationship between the blocks reflects a primary key to foreign key relationship between the tables on which the blocks are based.

85)What are the Various Master and Detail Relationships?
The various Master and Detail Relationship are:
a) NonIsolated :: The Master cannot be deleted when a child is existing.
b) Isolated :: The Master can be deleted when the child is existing.
c) Cascading :: The child gets deleted when the Master is deleted.

86)What are the procedures that will be created when a master details form created?

87)What is mouse navigate property of button?
When Mouse Navigate is True (the default), Oracle Forms performs standard navigation to move the focus to the item when the operator activates the item with the mouse. When Mouse Navigate is set to False, Oracle Forms does not perform navigation (and the resulting validation) to move to the item when an operator activates the item with the mouse.

88)What is difference between PL/SQL library and object library in Forms?
PL/SQL library contains only pl/sql codes which can be used for standardizing the validations etc. in forms whereas Object Library is used to create, store, maintain, and distribute standard and reusable Form objects.

89)What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes Property is set to Nonisolated?

90)What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes Property is set to Cascade?

91)What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes Property is set to isolated?

92)What is the difference between SHOW_EDITOR and EDIT_TEXTITEM?
Show_editor is the generic built-in which accepts any editor name and takes some input string and returns modified output string. Whereas the edit_textitem built-in needs the input focus to be in the text item before the built-in is executed.

93)What is the “LOV of Validation” Property of an item? What is the use of it?
When LOV for Validation is set to True, Oracle Forms compares the current value of the text item to the values in the first column displayed in the LOV whenever the validation event occurs. If the value in the text item matches one of the values in the first column of the LOV, validation succeeds, the LOV is not displayed, and processing continues normally. If the value in the text item does not match one of the values in the first column of the LOV, Oracle Forms displays the LOV and uses the text item value as the search criteria to automatically reduce the list.

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